Equipment must pass a 9 point check list
We are happy to stage equipment for you without charge. This can be especially useful when a chassis requires cards and modules to be installed and checked together. Software and configurations can be installed and checked for compatibility before the device arrives on site, potentially saving hours of wasted engineer time on site.
All new and refurbished Cisco Systems equipment requiring pre-configuration is subjected to the following check list:
- Run configuration to determine hardware/software compatibility
- Upgrade memory if required to load updated firmware/software
- Install Customer supplied Features or Configs and check Config for any Conflicts
- Reboot System to check complete hardware/software compatibility
- Create Inventory Data Sheet with Serial Numbers for Product Traceability
- Carefully re-pack into Original Packaging and then Overbox to protect original packaging
- Create Packing List With Serial Numbers
- Compare Packing List With Customer PO for Order Accuracy
- Notify the customer via email with the tracking number
Mail any questions you have to our technical team support@gocomsys.com.